We are building a community of kingdom-minded remote workers.


Our mission is to empower men and women to create a self-sustaining life of purpose. We do this through our missional communities of Virtual Tentmakers around the world, our gallery of remote work resources, and our online courses that teach the most in-demand virtual skills.


hosanna sheeley

Hosanna Sheeley


jessica martens

Jessica Martens


kenneth martens

Kenneth Martens



We envision a global community of Virtual Tentmakers who use their entrepreneurial and remote work skills to self-fund their life on mission. The community empowers, equips, encourages, and models the early church.


jessica martens

is a serial entrepreneur with 5+ years of remote work experience and over a decade of experience in Marketing, Communications, and Business Development. She started her first business in 2012- that is if you don’t count the multiple lemonade stands and side hustles she had as a child.

Born and raised in Houston, TX, she built the core of her marketing career on the Hawaiian Islands. In 2016, after years of feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and called to something else, she took the big leap away from the traditional 9-5 office job. Since then, she’s had the opportunity to serve under remarkable leaders and mentors in multiple countries, transferring her traditional corporate skills to the remote world.

In 2018, in a tiny village in Spain, she met her greatest gift, her husband Kenneth, who shares her vision and passion for combining business with missions, building kingdom-minded communities, and ultimately loving as Christ loved us. Jessica has traveled to 35+ countries and calls Texas, Hawaii, and Spain home.

hosanna sheeley

has been traveling around the world (25+ countries) for over four years with her now five-year-old son, Matteo, writing and sharing her story of losing her partner to suicide as well as her own personal journey with grief.

Two years ago she got her foot in the door of the online world by launching her own service-based business — a Virtual Assistant to online course creators and then pivoted to offer online business management services, before niching down to offer only podcasts management. 

Working remotely from places such as South Africa, Bali, Thailand, Mexico, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic, she has managed to upskill and expand her online capabilities, saved more money living and working from countries where the cost of living is lower and has invested in passive income building real estate, so she can have more time to spend with her son, Matteo while pursuing Kingdom building projects.




LOVE – At our core, we want to see Kingdom come. We believe that we do that through loving others as God loves us. (1 John 4:19)

GROWTH – We’re committed to continuously seeking growth in all areas of our lives. 

FREEDOM – We desire a life of freedom – free to move if and when we are called to, financial freedom, employment freedom, and spiritual freedom. 

EMPOWERMENT – We’re passionate about empowering & equipping men &  women from all corners of the globe & all walks of life to live the life God has called them to live. 

COMMUNITY – The foundation of our lives is God and the foundation of our business is community. Each relationship and partnership that we make along the way is an integral part of our story.

PURPOSE – Everything we do is done with purpose and intention including the jobs we take, the partnerships we make, and the lives we build.

virtual tentmakers course

Not a Virtual Tentmaker yet but desire to be?  Check out the Virtual Tentmakers Course, and learn the most in-demand remote-work skills to launch your own online freelance service-based business.